Internet Access
DHK’s support and advisory services can help you improve the speed, reliability, and security of your internet access. We’ll begin with a review of your needs, goals, and infrastructure and recommend an internet access option that is right for you.
Here’s a brief explanation of some of your options.
DSL (digital subscriber line) uses existing copper pair phone line wiring in conjunction with special hardware on the switch and user ends of the line. This hardware allows for a continuous digital connection over the phone lines. DSL has varying speeds. In almost all cases the download is two to ten times faster than the upload speed. It is usually classified as an asymmetrical circuit.
DHK offers Business class DSL services in 53 major cities in the U.S. starting at $69.95 per month. To get started, please call 866-905-8174 or email
A T1 operates at 1.544 Mb/s in both directions. It is also referred to as a symmetrical circuit because the speed is always identical on the upload and download side. As for reliability, when you purchase a T1 from any carrier, they are required to place a physical T1 repeater (similar to an amplifier) on the physical line every 6,000 feet from the telephone office. The repeaters guarantee the T1 signal. A T1 delivers consistent, uninhibited throughput via a dedicated 1.544 Mb/s port.
It’s time to get a T1 when you are installing a web server, e-mail server, or VoIP at your office. In all of these cases, the upload speed and reliability of the T1 is critical to their successful operation.
Depending on availability, we offer business T1 solutions starting at $369 per month. Call 866-905-8174 or email
Bonded T1
Bonded T1s offer the reliability of T1 circuits with increased speed. The “bonding” of T1s together happens at your router. Very simply put, in order to get more bandwidth with T1 technology, the router can make more T1s operate like 1 circuit.
To get 3.0 Mb/s, add two T1s together. To get 4.5 Mb/s, add three T1s together. To get 6.0 Mb/s, add four T1s together. We currently offer 3.0Mb/s dual bonded T1s at a rate of $699 per month (depending on availability).
To get started, please call 866-905-8174 or e-mail
Faster Circuits: T3 / OC-3 / OC-12 / more…
When your company is in need of some serious Internet speeds of 45Mb/s and higher, we can solicit for pricing offers from multiple carriers. In some cities there may be cost effective Metro Ethernet solutions. In most cases, there is significant lead time to install these circuits. Please call as soon as you are in the planning stages so that we can make sure that the deadlines are met.
Also see information on our Private Wan Circuits.
For more information or a free consultation email us at or call 866-905-8174.